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Cesar Gorillo .

UP to this day I could not forget that simple but beautiful song we used to sing when I was in second grade with the following lyrics: “Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I but when the leaves are moving, the wind is passing by.”

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So when Digong is challenging us Catholics to prove by physical means whether there is a God and he will resign if we cannot present it to him, we will surely lose in his challenge. Because we can never see God. He is not physically seen and neither is he available when called upon.

But when I look at the sun and it lights the whole earth to provide all living things with energy and it is located just right at a perfect distance where we will not get burned because it is too near nor  will we all freeze because it is too far, I know that there is a God that placed it there at the right place, at the right distance. Without that unseen Being holding it for us, we are all dead.

And when I look at the image of the Earth from the picture taken by the astronauts up in the sky, there is nothing that holds it. But the whole earth where we all live doesn’t fall. And so with the moon. And so with the planets. And so with the stars. Why are they all circling at their own orbits and why are all planets circling at the sun at their own perfect path, perfect timing, perfect schedules? And yet, without anything that holds all of them, they do not fall so that there is massive collision that will eventually destroy all heavenly bodies.

And when I look at myself, I wonder why that union between my mother and father resulted in my father transmitting his semen to the egg cell of my mother. I was developed for a period of nine months, nurtured inside the womb of my mother, and came out perfect with my own eyes so that I can see, nose so that I can breathe and smell, ears so that I can hear and hands so that I can touch, skin to cover my bones which will support me in walking, heart to pump the living blood inside me, brain to allow me to think, veins to connect all essential parts of life such as the liver, kidney, stomach, lungs and all other parts.  Where is the power that allows people to multiply?  He should be up there, or anywhere.

And yet that unseen Being allows the multiplication of all living things on Earth such as fishes of the sea, birds in the air, plants and animals on land for which the people He created can feed on them.  That simple seed of a plant alone defies normal explanation. For how can a very small seed planted on the soil sprout, get its nutrient from the soil itself and grow into another living thing of the same specie. And for animals, birds and fishes, that Supreme Being created both males and females so that they will mate, create their offspring and then multiply, not in ones but in thousands to feed His billions of people.

Then that Supreme Being give them air for oxygen without which all living things will die. Then he gave them water without which all living things will die, rain from the sky and spring waters, lakes and rivers. Then he made the sea salty with arctic glaciers from the North Pole and South Pole so that the oceans will not engulf the earth.

Then that Supreme Being created gravity so that the oceans, mountains, lands and everything on earth will not fall.  Without gravity, everything will swirl against each other.

Then that Supreme Being sent His only Son to Earth so that all of us will go back to Him in God’s eternal Kingdom known as Heaven and his coming was recorded by his two Apostles, Mathew and John and Disciples Mark and Luke and follower Paul and recorded in His book called the Bible which is a human historical account from His creation of the Earth, His people, all living things and all those He endowed with knowledge about Him known as Prophets.

I agree with everything President Digong says–except about my God who allowed me to walk on this Earth.


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