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Fr. Leo Pabayo

SOMETHING in man that makes him do things in the extreme. Some sportsmen, for example, glory in the so-called extreme sports that are dangerous. A movie in the 1950s depicted some teenagers daring one another to race in their cars up to the brink of a cliff. The one who slows down too soon would be “chicken” or cowardly. One of them actually fell into the cliff.

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Although not as dangerous and foolhardy like the one depicted in that movie, today’s generation are into sports that test the limits of some athletes’ physical endurance to an extreme that they are already dangerous to life and limb. A number have actually lost their lives engaging in such kind of sports. There is something in man that makes him do things to the extreme not only in sports but also in other aspects of life.

The tendency to do things in the extreme is evident early in our life. It is generally a disorder although not always. Ancient philosophers were already very aware of this tendency to do things in the extreme and coined the Latin saying, “In medio stat virtus” or the virtuous life is to be found in the middle and not in the extremes. In other words, to have a good and happy life man has to learn to have a balanced life and avoid falling into the extremes.

Catholic schools have adopted the title “moderator” for the teacher in charge of a class because of the propensity of the young to lose a sense of balance to fall into the extreme. Thus students in the Catholic schools are taught the virtue of moderation early. They are taught not to play too much, study too much, pray too much, socialize too much, eat too much, etc.. This is how they will develop a sense of balance in their lives that hopefully they will carry on in their adult life.

The virtue of moderation presumes that a person is gradually growing and extending oneself. Moderation however should be mistaken for stagnation or lack of a sense of adventure. It simply means that the growth and development of a person happens gradually and that one should in general not over extend himself. Sudden spurts of growth may sometimes happen but in general growth happens gradually. When a person has developed a sense of balance and moderation in his life he can engage in various forms of activities without losing his humanity.

A common problem among the so-called geniuses is that unless they have been taught well enough to live a balanced life, their great insights in life can result in imbalance in their life and the lives of others resulting in social disorder. It seems to me, for example, that the economic theories of “laissez faire” capitalism on the one hand and communism on the other are symptomatic of a lack of balance in the personalities of those who promoted them.

There is a disorder and lack of balance in the lives of many people in our modern world that needs to be corrected. There is too much of the rich lifestyle on the one hand and poverty on the other. There is overeating and obesity while others are unable to have their three meals a day. There are too many cars resulting in traffic jams while others cannot even afford a ride and have to walk. There is too much consumption resulting in too much garbage. There is too much use of gas resulting in the pollution of the environment resulting in lack of clean air that people can inhale and the consequent lung diseases. There is too much anger and little of self-control resulting in violence. There are too many reckless drivers resulting in many accidents. One of the most common acts done in the extreme is in imbibing alcoholic drinks. The list of the extremes in the life style of people today  is endless.

The lack of balance is part of the disorder in our human nature that resulted from the original sin or our first parents. What that original or first sin was we get a hint from the Book of Genesis. It is commonly known in biblical spirituality as disobedience to God. Just in what way our first parents committed the original sin can be gleaned from the history of salvation which is what the Bible is all about. At the heart of that disobedience is man’s turning his back on the wisdom in living according to the laws of nature, particularly the natural moral law that is inherent in human nature. Wise men throughout the ages have given us some insights on this their philosophies and religions. The Bible however is our best guide for understanding the natural moral law which is exemplified in the 10 Commandments taught by Moses and perfected in Jesus Christ.

Doing things in an extreme way may not always be bad. There are instances when being in the extreme may be good. There are times when one must apply extreme measures in order to eventually bring about balance in one’s life. This is applied when a person who is addicted to the extreme ways in life is helped by acting against his disordered tendency by doing the opposite of the extreme for the purpose of restoring balance in his life. Sometimes the way the saints do things may be regarded as extremes but it is a good kind of extreme because it brings about a balance in the life of individuals and society.

In a sense life is like a seesaw. Sometimes we are way up and at other times we are way down. A good life is one that is able to avoid the extremes. Balance will result if one has a spiritual life that will counteract the excesses and tip one’s excesses toward a balance. It is the extreme form of sacrifice that the saints do that bring back the balance that have been disturbed or lost in the lives of individuals and society.

The saints are extraordinarily balanced individuals. They are secure in their sense of what is true and good, right or wrong. They are like the proverbial house that is built on solid ground that strong winds and heavy rains cannot topple down or sweep away. They can go to the limits in their virtues without losing control. When they are kind they are kind in extraordinary ways. So are their courage, patience, understanding, mercy, forgiveness, etc. are extraordinary. “Extraordinary” or “heroic virtue” is the better word for their kind of life. By the example of the heroic virtues of the saints we who are weak are inspired to also live a virtuous life.


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