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By Atty. Egay Uy

AS I am growing older, I tend to do the same routines after I wake up each day. Maybe some other super seniors also do these, after all, we are all in the same league.

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I mix a cup of steaming hot coffee sans sugar, head to my mini-office at home, and sit by the window and enjoy what’s left of the lush green trees marred only by the Eyesore Tower. These, and the songs of birds, used to be the most welcome sight in early mornings. But not anymore.

As a matter of daily routine, I plug in my electric blood pressure apparatus and take my BP. Sip what’s left of my mug of coffee. Then prepare the medications for the day.

The steaming hot breakfast by this time is now on the dining table. A morning meal has become a regular feature of my lonely dining table for my daily nutrition from veggies. Unlike in my younger years, seldom is meat on the daily menu. Obviously.

Before I head to the dining table, I start writing materials for Gold Star Daily. Oftentimes I finish one column in one sitting. Sometimes not. What comes to mind early mornings become the subject of my materials. That is why my subjects are anything under the sun.

After I’ve had my fill, I’d head back to my laptop to attend meetings, provide inputs, or orchestrate activities of groups where I’m involved, e.g., the RCB, Emergency Operation Center Economy and Law and Order Clusters, Safety Seal Committee, Ease of Doing Business team, Joint Inspection Team, the City Price Coordinating Council, the City Management Committee, and several other groups that include various committees of the City Council such as Trade and Commerce, Health, Police and Fire Safety, and Games and Amusement to name a few.

Of course, I’m on a work-from-home mode although oftentimes I physically join teams in actual inspections and monitoring schedules. This removes the boredom of things.

On a personal note, I have agreed with my siblings to virtually meet every Saturday evening to discuss serious and light matters. Most of my in-laws are also residing in the compound where the Eyesore Tower is located so we always get to communicate in the usual form.

My companions at home are my eldest son, Jeiu who is busy planning for his wedding with my future daughter-in-law Eleanor, and my youngest son, Jojo who is into photography and vlogging. My second son OJ now lives with his wife Dorothy Mae and their kids Caleb Jose and Adalia Julienne in a nearby barangay.

Then as the sun sets, I retire to my room and be ready for tomorrow’s routine.


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