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Ben Contreras

NOT a few criticized the implementation of the speed limit rule in the city of Davao. We are so used to driving at a speed we deem necessary to reach our destination fast if not, at least, on time. And we also love to drive like crazy because it’s fun.

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Do we have much to thank for that we don’t live in Davao City? For most motorists, 20 or 40 kph can really be slow if one is in a hurry. But once we understand the rationale behind this law, maybe you will appreciate it.

Davao is, if I am not mistaken, swarmed with CCTV cameras feeding firsthand information to the central station which houses the 911 system. The 911 system is not just for emergency cases but also a system to fight criminality.

From their central station, people manning it can have a clear view of the movements of vehicles. Thus, if one violates the speed limit rule, arrest can be made, say, in minutes. It is going to be a great deterrent to crimes like robbery, carjacking or any that would necessitate the use of vehicles.

Criminals who use vehicles as getaway car after a crime has been committed would naturally drive abnormally fast. Thus, when monitored, they become easy suspects. Criminals know it and they cannot drive slowly after committing a crime. Hence, the risk of getting caught is very high.

Of course, not all would agree.

A landowner in Indahag who is not in good terms with the barangay chairman in that place questions the act of one congressman (daw) putting a light post within his property. There was no deed of donation or agreement for its use, but the congressman went on with the installation without the landowner agreeing to it.

I wonder if this is not within the realm of “abuse of authority.”

Mr. Congressman (daw), will you please explain this.

A Facebook post by my sister-in-law Delia Contreras in Canada was about US presidential candidate Donald Trump. “Why voting for Donald Trump is a morally good choice” was like reading about our very own President.

“Many who have known him personally speak highly of his kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity. But the main reason I call him ‘a good candidate with flaws’ is that, I think most of the policies he supports are those that will do the most good for the nation.”

How many times have I heard people talk of the similarities between Duterte and Trump because both came with a breeze of fresh air for a decaying nation. The may not necessarily be the answer but they certainly are good prospects for a promising change.

Duterte won, and I think Trump would, also.

Our President is doing a lot for the betterment of our nation and people, but our media choose to look and focus more on his flaws more than support his policies that will do the most good for the nation.

If this is not Filipino crab mentality at its best, then pray, tell me what it is.


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