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EMPOWERING THE COMMUNITY. The Royal Knights Eagles Club’s commitment to supporting survivors of sexual abuse shines through during their last GMM as they plan a meaningful community service event. (Photo supplied)

THE Royal Knights Eagles Club, under the Northern Mindanao Region-12 (NMR-12) Bagwis Dos of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Philippine Eagles Inc., is set to conduct a community service event aimed at supporting individuals who have been sexually abused. 

The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 01, 2024, at Balulang, Cagayan de Oro City, starting at 8:00 AM.

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Recognizing the importance of serving others and showing compassion, the Royal Knights Eagles Club is organizing this initiative to help those who have experienced sexual abuse to recover from their emotional distress and reintegrate into the community. 

Royal Knights Eagles Club president Eagle Bong Bragat, along with the NMR-12 Bagwis Dos governor, Eagle Eric Daabay of the Philippine Eagles, are calling on all members to participate and demonstrate their support for this important cause.

The community service event aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals who have been sexually abused, said NMR-12 Bagwis Dos governor Eagle Eric Daabay, adding to come forward, seek help, and begin the healing process.

“By coming together as a community, the Royal Knights Eagles Club hopes to create a sense of belonging and solidarity for those who may be struggling with the aftermath of such traumatic experiences,” said Daabay.

Eagle Bong Bragat emphasized the significance of lending a helping hand to those in need, stating that one of the purposes of human life is to serve and show compassion towards others. 

He said that by engaging in activities that promote healing and support, the Royal Knights Eagles Club aims to make a positive impact on the lives of those affected by sexual abuse and empower them to overcome their challenges.

Members of the Royal Knights Eagles Club are encouraged to participate actively in the community service event and contribute to the efforts to support individuals who have been sexually abused. 

By showing their solidarity and providing assistance to those in need, the club members demonstrate their commitment to making a difference in the lives of others and fostering a more compassionate and caring community.

The Royal Knights Eagles Club’s initiative to conduct a community service event for the sexually abused reflects their dedication to serving the community and supporting those who are most vulnerable.

Through their actions and involvement in such meaningful activities, the club members exemplify the values of empathy, compassion, and altruism, making a positive impact on the lives of individuals in need of support and care.

As the Royal Knights Eagles Club prepares to host the community service event on June 01, 2024, in Cagayan de Oro City, they invite all members and supporters to join hands in this noble cause and stand in solidarity with those who have experienced sexual abuse. 

Together, they strive to create a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can find healing, support, and hope as they journey towards recovery and restoration.

EMPOWERING THE COMMUNITY. The Royal Knights Eagles Club’s commitment to supporting survivors of sexual abuse shines through during their last GMM as they plan a meaningful community service event. (Photo supplied)

Mindanao Gold Star Daily holds the copyrights of all articles and photos in perpetuity. Any unauthorized reproduction in any platform, electronic and hardcopy, shall be liable for copyright infringement under the Intellectual Property Rights Law of the Philippines.

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Ben Balce is this newspaper's Associate Editor. Before joining the Gold Star Daily, Ben worked as the regional correspondent for northern Mindanao of Malaya, (now Business Insight) and Abante, both Manila-based national newspapers. Ben joined Gold star daily in 1997 as a city reporter. After 3-months, he was appointed by Gold Star Daily's publisher Ernesto G. Chu, to be the paper’s editorial cartoonist. Ben was a newspaperman and an editorial cartoonist of Gold Star Daily for more than ten years. He was also commissioned as the Executive Editor of the Quarterly Newsletter of the Police Regional Office 10 (PRO-10) from 2002 to 2007. Ben was a regular member of local and international news organizations, which includes among others Cagayan de Oro Press Club (COPC), National Union of Journalist in the Philippines (NUJP), Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ), and Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (Pecojon).