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I saw some notices posted in the Pueblo de Oro Business Park that to my mind suggest the area is sought to be made a model traffic regulation-compliant area. This is great, to say the least.

I have not confirmed this yet with Engr. Chrysler Acebu, Pueblo de Oro Corporation vice president and general manager, but the idea, if implemented, will greatly help in change the mindset of road users, especially motorists, in the city.

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I earlier wrote that if we want the city to be traffic regulation-compliant, we need to comply with traffic regulations not because an RTA traffic aide is watching, but because we simply want to. In other words, many of us simply need to change our mindset about complying with regulations. It is always best and sweet to imagine that we observe traffic regulations even when nobody is watching.

If the Pueblo de Oro Business Park eventually becomes a model area, similar to what we did in Divisoria years back, it will greatly influence the way road users respect the law and traffic regulations.

I have observed that the security personnel of Pueblo are consistent in enforcing traffic-related regulations inside the business park. Consistency is one component that will ensure a positive long-term effect in the minds of road users. It also will be good for Pueblo’s traffic managers to consider the lessons learned in the Divisoria pilot area project.

The rules may actually be considered simplified especially at the Pueblo business park because most roads are clearly divided by islands in between. When in an intersection, yield to the vehicle that arrived there first. In simple words, first in first out. And when you arrive at the same time, yield to the vehicle at your right. Simply remember right-of-way. Of course there are exceptions, e.g., emergency vehicles, and the like, but these are not regular occurrences.

In roads with pedestrian lanes, the simple-to-remember rule is to slow down, even when nobody is about to cross the street. And when somebody is already on the pedestrian lane, let the pedestrian cross first by stopping your vehicle. Not only that, out of respect for the residents nearby, motorists should avoid using loud tailpipes and loud horns, and even loud sound systems.

With a model traffic regulation-compliant area like the Pueblo de Oro Business Park, it may not be long before the entire city will likewise become one too.


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