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Ben Contreras

ARE we anti Americans? No! Americans are not America. America is the nation and the government. We are against what the government is doing to other countries. Americans, like all others, are basically good and peaceful. But governments are controlled by a few people whose interests run supreme above the national interest. Business.

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When I was younger and had my first visit to a dentist, I met an American who came here to engage in mining. He said America is the No. 1 exporter of terrorism. They create troubles (wars) so they could sell their armaments. It’s their No. 1 industry. It runs their economy. Without war, America is nothing.

At that age, how should I understand terrorism when I was then more occupied about education and how to cope with life? There was no computer then, no Internet, no Youtube and Google.

Today, knowledge is just a computer away. International news can be read at the press of a button. We saw the disintegration of the USSR, the near destruction of China (Tiananmen Square protest), the never-ending war in the Middle East, the dictators and terrorism perpetuated by some extremist groups without digging deeper into who could be behind all these.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a very powerful agency of the US government. Although movies are usually meant to entertain, the plots are not mere fiction but may have been drawn from actual events like funding both sides of the antagonists.

CIA is about covert operations. It can make governments bow to their wishes. And why not? Even their presidents are dispensable in the name of national security (or the interest of a few).

Am I hinting that the US is behind this South China Sea issues? Maybe, but to prove it is another thing. CIA kills their own as easy as they kill others (people of their host countries). And I am inclined to believe that they are the No. 1 exporter of terrorism.

The US is a great country only as far as you do not see the uglier things deep in the mainland. There are Americans that go hungry, and who are jobless and homeless.

Going back to the recent victory at the International Permanent Court of Arbitration–whose victory was it really?

An article was e-mailed to me recently. It says, “Canada found that the United States made the old map that shows the South Sea belongs to China.” If true, why would the US do that? Were China’s actions result of this or had there been a secret agreement between the two? Are we playing into the hands of these two superpowers?

The better question is, who is the enemy and who is our friend?

America’s presence in our land is made more profound with the issues at hand. President Duterte inherited a situation that requires political savvy lest we can be drawn into a war like a mouse between two fighting giants.

The intricacy of international politics is hard to fathom. But if you are good in reading between lines, you should be able to see with who our country should be allied with.

Please, don’t allow us to become another Middle East.


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