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By Netnet Camomot

THERE’S a reason why past presidents are called former. Their role now is to listen to the incumbent president’s State of the Nation Address (Sona) as television and phone cameras try to look for them in the audience.

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They had their own moments to shine when they delivered their respective Sonas eons ago, it’s now time to move forward to their role as former presidents. If only their fans can also move forward with them. But usually, fans are stuck with how the situation used to be when their idols were still in power, most probably because the fans themselves also felt they had the power to influence the Pinoy then. But with their idols now in “former” mode, the fans can only do so much in the influence department.

Where’s former President Noynoy Aquino, by the way? Does he have any regret for his choices that led to the Mamasapano massacre?

A president’s backbone is much important in his decision-making process. Or should that be his nose which may tend to grow a la Pinocchio’s, or he has humok ug ilong that can be easily influenced by Pinocchio? But if he doesn’t have the balls to make decisions, his minions will be the ones deciding for him. At the end of his term, he finds his to-do list with no tick marks at all, that is, if he prepared a to-do list before his term began.

A president may have to ignore naysayers if he’s sure of his goals. Naysayers are usually non-fans who want the incumbent president to fail, so they can let their favorite former president or their future presidentiable shine. And if the naysayer is a former president, his comments will only look desperate—what were his accomplishments when it was his turn to shine? Did he even shine?

Public image is important to the ambitious person who loves to hobnob with the rich and famous. If you’re neither rich nor famous, you’ll be the first one to be dropped from his list of friends once the going gets tough because he believes the wealth and fame of his friends will somehow rub off on him. Feeling niya he’s now as rich and famous as the influential people he surrounds himself with. Well, not, of course. But he’s a feelingera, and you, the poor and ordinary mortal should now remove yourself from his circle unless he has already done that on your behalf.

Showbiz celebrities and politicians are aware that their relevance can be temporary, that’s why they have public image teams to ensure it becomes permanent. But some circumstances may stop their drive to remain relevant forevermore because it’s tiring to always remain on top, as some romantically linked ladies have realized by now. Wink wink. Being on top means torture to injured knees.

For the showbiz celebrity and/or politician, being on top means constant social media exposure, banner news, and name recall. More movies and television shows for the showbiz celebrity; more political news featuring the politician’s name.

Good or bad, it’s still news for the politician who can always dig his way out of the lowest point in his political career. It’s the showbiz celebrity who may not have that much luck to recover from bad news especially when he can’t leave drugs and alcohol behind. There are showbiz people who remained rich and famous, though, despite their drug and alcohol problems, so I guess it’s to each his own.

Politicians have been hinting at their 2022 plans, with Cagayan de Oro Mayor Oscar Moreno mentioning his hometown Balingasag, Misamis Oriental in some of his speeches, perhaps to condition the Misamis Oriental mind to vote for him as governor in 2022.

The question for the politician, who’s in his last term of office, is, where does he go from there? Well, to another place where he can restart another set of terms. There will come a time when he will finally decide to retire and perhaps write his memoirs. That’s when he will realize that he’s replaceable and dispensable. If he’s the kind of politician always surrounded by bodyguards who carry his briefcase and luggage for him, and who open doors for him, he may have to adjust to life sans these perks if his new madlang-pehpohl status can no longer afford such privileges. Add that to his senior status, and all these will be a humongous Realization 101 for him.

Blessed are the madlang pehpohl for they’re used to a perkless existence, with doors even hitting their faces now that the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is making people wary of touching door handles. Is it even possible for the virus to stick to door handles? Are doctors sure of how Covid-19 is transmitted? “So many questions but the answers are so few,” as the Side A song goes.

US President Donald Trump has appointed Vice President Mike Pence as Covid-19 czar to hasten the US’s response to the virus. Here’s hoping that the threat of a pandemic has stopped presidents from thinking of nuclear weapons and wars.


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