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WHAT is imagination to you? My buddy Webster defines it as “the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality.”

Based on that definition, we can say that imagination is part of human existence. It’s what sets us apart from other living creatures that inhabit the earth.

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We use our imagination in our everyday lives. We use it when we understand Art, Literature, Science, and other fields of study. You might ask, is there a connection between science and art concerning imagination?

In my previous article about dressing up, I concluded that it is both a science and an art. With imagination, there is a connection. They intersect in the process.

But let’s not get into the academic aspect of imagination. I don’t want to be scholarly because I’m not, and we’re out of the four-walled classrooms. Let’s talk about the role of imagination in our everyday lives.

At home, we use our imagination in disciplining kids, cooking, cleaning the house, decorating the house, and even laying out clothes to dry. Yet, we also apply science to it.

We imagine the outcome. We play it in our heads, but when we do the act, we use science. Science plays a vital role in the process.

At work, we let our imagination do its work. We use it during brainstorming for strategies in sales and marketing, office parties, and fundraising or charity events, to name a few. We let our imaginations run wild and list down ideas. Those out-of-the-box ideas are the best. When we put this list into action, it’s time for science to do its work.

An artist, for instance, also applies science in his artworks. He uses his imagination and transfers it to his canvas. Of course, with science as his little helper. Science comes in in the blending of colors, strokes, accuracy in details, techniques, etc. You don’t think it’s just random, right? Perhaps for some artists, it’s random. But even in the most abstract paintings, science still has some role.

You might think imagination is all play. It’s not. In using our imagination, it can also improve our mental health and well-being. Imagination brings out the creativity in us. And we know that creativity releases positive energy. It moves us out of boredom.

When you’re too stressed with your everyday work, let your imagination fly. It temporarily unloads your brain of too much information, cleanses your emotions of negative vibes, and releases endorphins. Just don’t overdo it, especially at work.

Imagination may sound trivial to some, but unknowingly, we use it. For as long as we think, it will always be there.

Let me end this with a question. What do you think is the future of imagination in this age of rapidly rising technology that can even control your perspective?


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