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By Fr. Leo Pabayo

IF there was a man of faith, a man of spiritual discernment among those whom Joseph approached for lodging in Bethlehem they would have sensed that there was something very special about him and Mary. If they had the eyes to see they would have been able to see at least the aura of goodness about them that was so special and life-giving that they would not have let them pass by without giving some service to them.

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During His ministry, Jesus would ask a question about His Second Coming. He asked, “when the Son of Man comes will He find faith on earth?” He had a reason for asking the question. In His First Coming, some people did not have the eyes of faith to recognize Him.

Many persons cross our paths, many things that happen in our life that would have been wonderful surprises and revelations from God bringing us tidings of great joy for our life. But we are often too dull to things spiritual, too attached to the things of the world and too restless to stay put and pray and take a good look at the situation of our life and pray for messages from God, that we do not recognize them when they come and they therefore just pass us by. How many opportunities for meeting Christ that we have missed because of our lack of readiness.

What would make us ready and receptive to recognize the signs of His presence?

Everything that we do in our life, every decision that we make either make us more prepared to recognize the presence of God in our lives and to welcome Him. 

From being faithful in lesser things that we are asked to be faithful in, such as living the little virtues of courtesy, honesty, not engaging in gossips, doing our work well, not being overbearing with our subordinates, paying our employees well, doing little acts of kindness and generosity, etc. we make ourselves more ready to receive Christ’s blessings in store for us. “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with lesser things; I will put you in charge of greater things.” (Matthew 25:21) 

If God comes to us now in the person of Mary bearing in her womb the Christ child accompanied by Joseph, will we recognize Him in them?

Jesus tells us that looking with compassion on the needy is a form of recognition of Him will be greatly rewarded with the joy of having served them. 

Yet, what they went through that Christmas night is happening in various ways in many towns and cities in the world, in the persons of those who do not find the hospitality they badly need. It is replicated today in the lives of families especially those with small children who are seeking asylum in various countries to escape the oppressive rules in their leaders like those in South America or those suffering from the scourges of wars in the countries in the Middle East.

Closer to home it is happening in the lives of the marginalized sectors of our country who crowd our towns and cities to escape hunger from their homes in the mountains because of drought, crop failure natural disasters.

It is happening to many homeless strangers who come to towns and cities in our country, looking for livelihood opportunities. It is replicated in the lives of those who experience one form or another of alienation in their families or communities because of some personal deficiencies, some of whom have driven them to drug addiction.

It is happening in the numberless poor in our country who for one reason or another are now living in miserable dwelling places in squatter areas along the esteros under the bridges and have occupied the sidewalks in our the cities looking for a way to have a livelihood that would enable them to provide food for themselves and their children.

Christmas is again a reminder for us to reflect on what our attitudes have been toward them. Do we see them as being like the poor Mary bearing the Christ child accompanied by Joseph, coming to us to allow us to serve them?


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