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There’s a lot of solid perks to building a career in Quezon City. A lot of people from outside Metro Manila don’t quite understand that QC is almost a different world compared to the rest of Metro Manila, with a distinct culture and lifestyle from those living in other parts of the NCR. If you’re still not sure if you want to find jobs in Quezon City, consider the following:

1.) Highly-developed transportation network

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 Quezon’s flexible transportation network makes jobs based in it accessible to people living all over Metro Manila and surrounding areas, including Bulacan and Pampanga. This makes jobs within QC accessible to residents of other areas and makes for relatively simple commutes.

2.) Availability of open spaces                                         

A large proportion of Quezon City’s population is not native to Metro Manila, for good reason. Many are attracted to QC due in part to its laid-back atmosphere and excellent outdoor public areas. If you come from another part of the Philippines and are not used to the cramped quarters typical of other parts of the area, QC offers most of Metro Manila’s publicly-accessible open green spaces. Many job seekers find these areas important for their well-being and strongly prefer QC for this reason.

3.) Affordable rent

Rent and property rates in Quezon City tend to be much lower compared to comparable areas in other cities in Metro Manila with a high concentration of jobs, such as Pasig or Makati. If you do choose to both live and work in Quezon City, this can mean that you can save both on commute times and rent, which can lead to a better quality of life.

4.) An abundance of job openings

The low property rates also benefit job creators. New startups are being launched in QC daily and foreign investors set up shop frequently. If you’re planning on job hunting, Quezon City is a great place to do it.

5.) Progressive local culture

QC offers something for everyone, and we’re not just talking about jobs. It’s one of the country’s hotspots for the arts, music, and food. While it’s the jobs that attract people to QC, it’s these things that make people come back and stay. Plus, there are always openings in these fields as well.

6.) Historical sites

People don’t really think of “history” when they think of QC, but events such as the Cry of Pugadlawin and the People Power Revolution took place in QC, as well as various pop culture phenomena that are only now being understood to be truly historical. For instance, many of our favorite Filipino films of the past 40 years were shot in locations around QC. If living and working in a historically significant area is something that piques your interest, then QC is an excellent choice.

7.) Excellent educational facilities

The city has some of the country’s top schools, with the additional perk of the area not being prone to floods and natural disasters as with the U-Belt in Manila. If you have children and want them to have access to quality education, then moving to QC can be especially attractive.

8.) Opportunities for volunteer work

Due to its low rent and the presence of different universities and government offices, QC is home to many advocacy and volunteer groups. If you’re you’re interested in doing volunteer work, there probably isn’t a better place in the country to move to. 

QC stands apart from its sister cities in Metro Manila, not just in terms of job opportunities, but in all the things that make working and living in a major urban area enjoyable and fulfilling. By every metric, Quezon City can be considered one of the best places to work in the Philippines.

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