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THE Cagayan de Oro City Development Council (CCDC) yesterday approved a P8.1-billion Annual Investment Plan (AIP) for next year, said chair of the City Council’s committee on trade and commerce George Goking.

“The AIP will serve as the city government’s guide in the preparations of the 2022 annual budget,” said Goking.

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In a letter to the City Council, City Mayor Oscar Moreno emphasized the programs, projects and activities (PPAs) included in the 2022 AIP are supportive, consistent, and strategically contributory to the attainment of the city’s Eight-Point Development Agenda (PRIMEHAT).

The AIP 2022 is the annual slice of the City Development Investment Program (CDIP) 2020-2025 that contains the priorities and strategies in attaining the development agenda of the administration that supports the development objectives and targets of the City Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 2020-2025.

“A big chunk of the city’s expenditure program next year amounting to 51 percent of the P8.1 billion was earmarked for the social development services sector,” said Goking.

He said, the P4,131,000 covers strategies for responding to Covid-19 disease and other health-related services, housing, education, calamity and disaster risk reduction management, social welfare management and development concerns, among others.

Goking said the AIP was approved by the Council during its regular session yesterday.

“The budget will be based on the AIP. In other words, we cannot budget things or programs outside of the Annual Investment Program that was approved,” said Goking.

Goking added, the PPAs under the AIP have been reviewed by the City Development Council (CDC) Secretariat and the City Budget Office, in consultation with City Government departments and offices to ensure consistency with the national, regional and local investment programming policies and guidelines.

The PPAs are intended to support the achievement of sectoral development goals contained in the CDP and these include the concerned sectors on social, economic, environment, infrastructure and institution, he said.

For 2022, the proposed investment of the city amounts to P8.1 billion covering the PAPs proposed by 53 departments and offices, 22 special bodies/executive committees/auxiliary services as well as various investments posted under non-office accounts.

The invested targets of the city for 2022 will cover the general public services sector, social development services sector and economic development services sector.

Meanwhile, the economic development services sector, which includes environmental and infrastructure development, and development administration sectors/general public sector comprises 31-percent and 18-percent of the total 2022 AIP, respectively, according to Goking.

The legislation was reviewed and endorsed by the committees on planning, research and innovation and on laws and rules chaired by Councilor Ian Mark Q. Nacaya, said Goking.


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Ben Balce is this newspaper's Associate Editor. Before joining the Gold Star Daily, Ben worked as the regional correspondent for northern Mindanao of Malaya, (now Business Insight) and Abante, both Manila-based national newspapers. Ben joined Gold star daily in 1997 as a city reporter. After 3-months, he was appointed by Gold Star Daily's publisher Ernesto G. Chu, to be the paper’s editorial cartoonist. Ben was a newspaperman and an editorial cartoonist of Gold Star Daily for more than ten years. He was also commissioned as the Executive Editor of the Quarterly Newsletter of the Police Regional Office 10 (PRO-10) from 2002 to 2007. Ben was a regular member of local and international news organizations, which includes among others Cagayan de Oro Press Club (COPC), National Union of Journalist in the Philippines (NUJP), Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ), and Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (Pecojon).