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COMMUNICATION. Dr. Gerry J. Caño, Board of Director at COWD, pens a formal letter to Gold Star Daily on May 22, 2024.

IN a recent development, Gold Star Daily News, has taken down a contested news article from their website following a request from the Cagayan de Oro City Water District (COWD). 

The article in question, titled “LWUA takes over COWD; fires GM, board,” was written by Mr. Froilan Gallardo and published on May 18, 2024. 

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The article claimed that the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) had taken over COWD’s management and operations, but COWD has denied receiving any such official communication.

In a formal letter dated May 22, 2024, Dr. Gerry J. Caño, a Board of Director at COWD, addressed Ms. Ruchelle D. Bangis, General Manager, and Ms. Catherine Marie Ann C. Pelayo, Proprietor of Gold Star Daily. 

Dr. Caño clarified that no official order or resolution had been received from LWUA regarding a takeover. 

He requested the removal of the article to prevent spreading false information and causing public confusion.

Responding promptly, Gold Star Daily removed the article from their website on May 23, 2024. 

This action was taken to uphold journalistic integrity and to ensure that the public receives accurate information, according to Gold Star Daily owner  Catherine Marie Ann C. Pelayo.

However, similar stories with almost identical content and narrative remain online on two other major media outlets: GMA and Mindanews. 

These articles were also published on May 18, 2024, and have not yet been retracted or revised.

COWD has reached out to both GMA and Mindanews with similar requests to take down the disputed articles. 

The links to these articles are still accessible on their respective websites, with GMA’s article available here (https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/topstories/regions/907240/cdo-water-row-lwua-takes-over-water-district/story/

While Mindanews’ article available [here](https://mindanews.com/top-stories/2024/05/lwua-takes-over-oro-water-district-fires-gm-board-members/#:~:text=CAGAYAN%20DE%20ORO%20(MindaNews%20%2F%2018,five%2Dmember%20board%20of%20directors.).

The COWD has expressed concerns that the continued presence of these articles could mislead the public about the current status of the water district’s management. 

They emphasize that the Board of Directors and General Manager are still in their positions, ensuring the provision of water services to the community.

Dr. Caño reiterated COWD’s commitment to transparency and accurate communication with the public. 

He stressed the importance of reliable information, especially concerning public utilities such as water supply.

The swift response from Gold Star Daily has been appreciated by COWD, and they are hopeful that GMA and Mindanews will follow suit. 

The situation highlights the challenges faced by media outlets in maintaining the accuracy of their reporting and the impact of misinformation on public perception.

As of now, the community awaits updates from GMA and Mindanews regarding their decision on the matter, according to Cowd general manager Engr. Antonio Young.

Young said the COWD continues to monitor the situation and remains proactive in addressing any misinformation that could affect their operations and public trust.

“For further updates and official statements, the public is encouraged to follow COWD’s official communications,” said Young.


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Ben Balce is this newspaper's Associate Editor. Before joining the Gold Star Daily, Ben worked as the regional correspondent for northern Mindanao of Malaya, (now Business Insight) and Abante, both Manila-based national newspapers. Ben joined Gold star daily in 1997 as a city reporter. After 3-months, he was appointed by Gold Star Daily's publisher Ernesto G. Chu, to be the paper’s editorial cartoonist. Ben was a newspaperman and an editorial cartoonist of Gold Star Daily for more than ten years. He was also commissioned as the Executive Editor of the Quarterly Newsletter of the Police Regional Office 10 (PRO-10) from 2002 to 2007. Ben was a regular member of local and international news organizations, which includes among others Cagayan de Oro Press Club (COPC), National Union of Journalist in the Philippines (NUJP), Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ), and Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (Pecojon).