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Monday, June 24, 2024
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    Tag:international news

    International workshop highlights role of media in promoting peace

    MEDIA professionals from 49 countries, including the Philippines, convened last Saturday night (Feb 17 Philippine time) for an online workshop on peace journalism, urging...

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    Make me lose my anxiety

    “MAKE me sweat, make me hotter/Make me lose my breath, make me water.”Tyla’s “Water” could be the theme song...
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    Envi group urges stronger child safety measures

    AS National Poison Prevention Week is observed, environmental NGO BAN Toxics calls for heightened efforts to protect children from...

    Pag-IBIG Fund approves P815M funding  to construct more than 4,500 homes in  Rizal under 4PH 

    he Pag-IBIG Fund has approved an P815-million developmental loan to construct a  total of 17 medium to high-rise condominium...

    Must read

    Make me lose my anxiety

    “MAKE me sweat, make me hotter/Make me lose my...

    Envi group urges stronger child safety measures

    AS National Poison Prevention Week is observed, environmental NGO...