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Arnold Garbanzos

ILIGAN City–In order to understand the conflict in Lanao, it is better to use the Bushido Code of Japan as an example. Let us assume that Lanao is Japan and that the Maranaos are Japanese.

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For centuries, they have adhered to their own honor code which the Japanese call the Bushido. Correspondingly, the Maranaos have their own honor code known as the Igma ago Taritib (constitution and by-laws).

The way of the Samurai is what the Bushido Code is all about, while the way of the Royal Sultanate is the way of the Maranaos. For the Japanese, it is honor and nobility; for the Maranaos, it is honor and dignity, otherwise known as the maratabat. Maratabat has a positive meaning — it means chivalry, nobility, honor and dignity. It is not false pride as it is understood today.

Both tribes or nations will die for their honor code. That is the way the tribe or nation is set or align.

Both the Samurais and the Sultans of Lanao are centuries old, and have been isolated for centuries just like China and Korea.

Tampering with the Bushido is just like tampering the honor code of the Koreans known as the Hwa Rang Do or the Chinese philosophy of Confucius in the Chinese culture. You can never remove them without creating major trouble for the perpetrators.

In a highly structured society just like Japan, China, Korea and the Maranaos, their ways have been set for centuries.  These are ways which have been handed down from generation to generation by their ancestors and have been codified for the young to understand in order to guide them and not cause social confusion.

Both Samurais and the Sultans are honorable men — honoring tradition and the ways of the tribe. They value respect, chivalry and virtue.

Let us assume however that one day the Filipino nation decides to change the ways of the Japanese by introducing practices and conventions which are not natural to the Japanese people. What do you think will happen?  Many Japanese will rise in revolt and would even go to the extent of committing sepuko or hara-kiri or even creating kamikaze pilots rather than surrender their ways to the Filipino people. Similarly, if you do the same to the Maranaos of Lanao, what will happen?  This will explain to us why for centuries, the Maranaos have always prided themselves as the “Unconquered Tribe” in our country since they were able to maintain their practices and traditions despite the presence of outside western influences of this nation.

The Maranaos have a monarchial set-up unlike the Filipino nation which is presidential and democratic. The Maranaos, by tradition, listen only to one voice, the Yang Dipertuan Agong or the Sultan of all Sultans. His word is the law. It’s just like what the Japanese do to the Emperor in Japan and what the British nation do to their Queen.

Question: Has there been a Maranao leader today who can measure up to this standard? And if none, why? This word is very important since if there has only been a leader wellespected by the tribe, the “war” in Marawi could have stopped by his mere word. That is the way of the tribe. They follow only one voice. That is the way the monarchy operates. It is a given.

In the traditional Maranao society, the Sultans and the Datus are the law yet today, they are not accorded such a position since the nation and our Constitution does not honor royalty. In effect, our nation has corrupted their age-old tradition. We have destroyed the core structure of the tribe. And this has built confusion and resentment among their young much to the disadvantage of our nation.

In the traditional Maranao society, it is the Sultan who provides for the direction and needs of the tribe. But today, such a position has been overshadowed by politicians and the IRA who and which do not follow the honor system of the tribe.

The Maranao igma and taritib is based on bloodline, knowledge of the ways of the tribe, knowledge of the Quran and the Hadiths and wisdom. It is not based on wealth but it could be incidental in most cases.

The young Maranaos of today therefore get two mixed signals — one coming from the tradition of the tribe and the other is the ways of this westernized Christian nation. It is no wonder that the tribe is into so much trouble; there is confusion and the destruction of their tribal structure and value system.

Going back to the Japanese… If you, by force, change the way of the Samurai, then you have done a very foolish thing. You have corrupted the ways of the Japanese. It is tantamount to revolt, defiance and opposition. Similarly, that is what is happening to the Maranao tribe now. You can never insist for a square peg to be contained in a round hole. It’s an impossibility. It is either we adjust to the age-old traditions or find ourselves in perpetual trouble. This is my question to the leaders of our nation. Six centuries of trouble is a very, very, very long time.  “We have been managing the Bangsamoro problem but we have never solved it,” to quote the honored Hashim Salamat of the MILF.

Allow me to cite some instances to show you that our nation and our leaders do not know the ways of the Maranao tribe:

  • Making rape jokes about the Maranao women. That is foul since the Maranao society values and esteem their women highly. As a matter of fact, they will never allow Maranao women to marry any other men from other tribes. Maranao women are exclusively for the Maranaos. To make it a joke is in bad taste. The President may have Maranao blood but he does not know the ways of the tribe. He needs to be educated on this by his advisers.
  • For centuries, the Maranao tribe has survived on its own with no help from central government. The concept of the IRA, DAP or PDAF, introduced to the tribe, was the most dangerous practice this government has ever made. If ever government helps through the IRA, it should pass through the traditional leaders who are basically a Council of Elders and not to the politicians. Doing so would destroy the principles of the tribe. This is how Malaysia does theirs. The politicians are subservient to the Sultans and Datus of the tribe — and that is why they are highly honored in Malaysian society.
  • In a highly theocratic society like that of Muslims, introducing concepts “of the people, for the people and by the people” is not in their line of thinking. If you want to influence the tribe, you must go back to the Quran, the Torah, the Zaburs, the Injeel and the Hadiths. That is how the tribe operates. It is a fix mandate. It is a given in Muslim society.
  • In a highly monarchial society, the word or voice of one man is enough to put the tribe in order. This is the reason why there is a Yang Dipertual Agong or the Sultan of all Sultans. This is the reason why there is the need for the Wali (or Prime Minister) in the proposed BBL. Monarchial societies operate that way. Look at England. Look at Japan. Look at Thailand. Their emperors and their kings might be viewed as figure heads but still their word is highly honored and treasured since they carry the tradition of the people. (to be concluded)

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