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2ND REGULAR MEETING of the Interim Board of Directors with its General Manager, Firmen Jarales, at the COWD Boardroom on June 11, 2024 (Photo supplied)

THE Cagayan de Oro City Water District (COWD) Interim Board of Directors (IBOD) on Friday issued a cease and desist order against the regular General Manager, Engr. Antonio Young.

Young, along with the regular board of directors of COWD, were prevented from taking up their positions after the full intervention of the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) in COWD operations on May 29, 2024, in accordance with LWUA Board Resolution No. 34, Series of 2024.

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The LWUA intervention led to the establishment of an Interim Board of Directors and the appointment of Fermin Jarales as the Interim General Manager (IGM). 

This move temporarily set aside Engr. Antonio Young from his position as General Manager for the duration of the intervention.

Despite the intervention, it has come to the attention of the IBOD and the IGM that Engr. Young continues to act as the General Manager of COWD. 

He has been accused of representing himself as the functioning General Manager and performing related duties, which prompted the IBOD to issue the cease and desist order.

The order explicitly directs Engr. Young to stop representing himself as the General Manager, discharging the duties of the General Manager, giving instructions to COWD officers and employees, entering COWD’s main building and other facilities without approval, interfering with COWD’s operations, and signing documents or checks on behalf of COWD.

The IBOD stressed that failure to comply with the cease and desist order could lead to disciplinary or criminal proceedings against Engr. Young. 

The IBOD hopes for full cooperation from Engr. Young to ensure smooth operations and improved services for the people of Cagayan de Oro City.

Meanwhile, in response to late last week  memorandum from Interim General Manager Jarales for Young to work from home, Young stated that he had referred the matter to the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) and the Civil Service Commission (CSC) for a legal opinion. 

He expressed concerns about not reporting to work, fearing charges of abandonment or dereliction of duty.

Young emphasized his ongoing commitment to the day-to-day operations of COWD, noting that he remains the recognized signatory for the district’s bank transactions. 

“I continue to report to ensure that daily operations are not hampered because I am still the recognized signatory at the banks,” Young said. 

He added, “I am just waiting for the legal opinion from the OGCC and CSC regarding this matter.”

Engr. Young’s stance highlights the tension between the interim board’s directives and his perceived responsibilities as the General Manager. 

The IBOD’s intervention aims to streamline the operations of COWD and address any issues that may have necessitated the LWUA’s involvement. 

The board has called for strict and immediate compliance from Young to facilitate their efforts in providing better services to the community.


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Ben Balce is this newspaper's Associate Editor. Before joining the Gold Star Daily, Ben worked as the regional correspondent for northern Mindanao of Malaya, (now Business Insight) and Abante, both Manila-based national newspapers. Ben joined Gold star daily in 1997 as a city reporter. After 3-months, he was appointed by Gold Star Daily's publisher Ernesto G. Chu, to be the paper’s editorial cartoonist. Ben was a newspaperman and an editorial cartoonist of Gold Star Daily for more than ten years. He was also commissioned as the Executive Editor of the Quarterly Newsletter of the Police Regional Office 10 (PRO-10) from 2002 to 2007. Ben was a regular member of local and international news organizations, which includes among others Cagayan de Oro Press Club (COPC), National Union of Journalist in the Philippines (NUJP), Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ), and Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (Pecojon).