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WHO would have thought that this paper would reach this far? As in 35 years, wow! It’s kind of middle aging or somewhat near it.

Time was it when people in this part of the world were skeptical about this paper’s survival. Especially since it is a daily one, of course, there were others too, but all of them were weeklies. As in once kada ewek in street lingo. Yet through the years, Gold Star Daily News Publishing has persevered.

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Established in 1989, it was a good time. For one, the so-called EDSA People Power Revolution wherein a dictator was deposed sent people happily expressing their jubilation into the streets, Not only in Manila but in many places in the country as well. So, in that year, 1989, there was still residual jubilation in connection with that.

There was still so much news to go around. Most of the news we hear is from Manila and the surrounding areas. But in the countryside, news reports in this part left much to be desired.

And then, along came Gold Star Daily. Although the main office is in Cagayan de Oro City, bureaus were established all over Mindanao. What? The skeptics said, especially the “crabby” ones, I mean those who are especially envious and like crabs, they would make some efforts to “crabbilize”, I mean put down those who are getting ahead of the pack. Oh, by the way, the term is not yet accepted but who knows in the aparador?

They did not reckon though with the genius of Ernesto “Toto” Chu!

Of course, it was tough then. But the guy has that persistence and unusual persistence. Tough, in other words. Didn’t they say that when the going gets tough, only the tough get going?

For one, he has a good sense of humor.

With CDO as the center, there were several bureaus in due time. And these bureaus had all the support of the central office, led by, who else, But Toto. He would not just give them directives but physically visit them one after the other. And among his philosophies too was that “we need all the help that we can get.” And too, each small victory is celebrated. For he believes that “one small victory will lead to another victory. ” It helped too that wifey Bebotte Chu is just as good.

At this point, I am going to do some reveal. I was one of those skeptics at first. Because, let’s face it, there were attempts by other establishments to go daily, but they went pfft and I saw it as I was living in CDO then.

But when I saw that happening of Commander Alexander Noble parading in CDO with all his men, coming from Butuan City, in the early 1990s, this was captured in this paper. And the people had a field day reading the paper. What’s more, they had some notice that on that day, they would come up with another issue.

I bought the issue, the first one on that day and I saw the notice. What? I thought, two issues in one day?

The skeptic in me then changed to “believe”.

Later on, here in Iligan where my family had transferred and the dust had settled, as in there was no doubt then of the daily existence of this paper, I saw a weekly here grew ambitious too. As in if Gold Star Daily can do it why can’t we? As in if Toto Chu can do it, why can’t I?

And so they did an Ernesto “Toto” Chu. With some “bureaus” established too.

Only to stop going “daily” in a matter of two weeks. With some writers or reporters grumbling about the “pay” that they were promised.

These days, there’s an upcoming genius in the family, Catherine Chu Pelayo.

Need I say more?

Happy 35th Anniversary, Gold Star Daily News Publishing!

Email: nora.lady@yahoo.com or contact 09277983167|O9073384874


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