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Dave Achondo

WHAT is wrong with Cagayan de Oro’s politics today and Philippine politics in general is that politicians keep on arguing about who should be seated or derailing each other’s projects, and attacking their rivals. Sometimes, they even stab their own allies if there is something to be gained.

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Politics is definitely more fun in the Philippines. It’s a roller coaster ride in itself.

Moving on from a defeat is what most politicians lack. Admitting that they have already lost seems so hard on their part but who wouldn’t be after spending millions during the campaign? Include the costly black propaganda. Those trolls don’t come cheap, you know. And they’re bitter.

Take for example Cagayan de Oro’s former mayor who lost again in the recent elections. He lost to the same guy twice and claimed he was cheated on both occasions. Yet he could not prove it. Regardless if it is true or not, you, Sir, have already served the people of Cagayan de Oro, and it is time for you to live your life to the fullest, quit politics and name your successor. The people have already spoken, and they chose the other guy over you not once, but twice.

Another one would be Cagayan de Oro’s “shortlived mayor” who apparently doesn’t know when to give up. In his first attempt to grab the seat, he only sat as “mayor” for a few hours, sworn into office at around 6 pm and booted out of office the next morning. Then in his controversial second attempt, he managed to sustain it for two days–his move to proclaim himself as “mayor” suffered a backlash in social media; supporters of the mayor called him “atat,” “uhaw sa gahum,” and more.

Truth be told, I feel sorry for him regardless if his claims had merit or not. I know it didn’t feel good in the end.

On the other hand, our reelected mayor’s situation isn’t that good either. He is facing a lot of problems. His administration isn’t perfect but it’s the best one I have experienced so far. It still lacks quite a few things to make Cagayan de Oro really great but I can see that we are progressing as a city.

Those who are planning to run for office in the coming elections should realize that they serve the people and not their financiers. That’s the least I can say with some “trapos” in office. If partisan politics is a sport, these “wonderful” people would be experts and qualified in the “Partisan Olympics.”

I say to these politicians: Have you forgotten that you serve us, and not your bosses and your political party? Your responsibility as public servants is to serve the people, not just those who voted for you and not those who financed your campaigns, but us.

I’m sure these guys are not simpletons. But many have forgotten about their oath to serve the people “honestly” and “selflessly.” Somehow, they forgot why they are there in the first place.

I am not the smartest person in this world and I do not pretend to be, but I can tell what is right from what is wrong, and I bet that these politicians know it, too.

Politicians should do away with too much partisan politics because it makes them look like they’ve lost their common sense, and that they don’t know the difference between good and bad.

If you are following the news, you’ll see a lot of politicians jumping from one side of the fence to another. I don’t know the reason for it, but I can speculate that their political careers maybe better off if they are with the party of President Duterte. It’s like NBA with all the fans jumping from Cavs to Warriors.

I see disloyal politicians who should be on the watchlist of PDP-Laban. But as the saying goes, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” I just hope all the calls for “unity” wasn’t just for a show.

Admittedly, we are currently on rough waters but I’m still optimistic about the so-called “change,” and I can tell that criminals and politicians are starting to fear this administration. Hopefully, that’s a good thing.


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