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Fr. Roy Cimagala

THIS is a big challenge today. How can we have a sense of continuity in an age that is so clearly galloping with new developments, creating new categories, structures and meanings that we can say that we are entering a phase of disruptions and discontinuity?

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In fact, it is now a given that we are today in times that are significantly different from the previous generations. It seems that we are having a kind of quantum leap, an abrupt and extreme change in things in general.

We have to learn how to cope with this new phenomenon. And the most important and indispensable thing to do is to ground ourselves more firmly on God. He is the foundation of all reality, of things that are absolute and permanent and also of things that are continually changing either gradually or abruptly.

Without him, there is no other way but to get confused and lost, carried away by “all kinds of strange teachings,” as the Letter to the Hebrews would put it. (13,9) St. Paul went further by suggesting that we “put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Eph 6,11)

It’s true that we have to do everything humanly possible to be able to cope with the new developments. We cannot overemphasize this need. That is why we have to be very open-minded, flexible and adventurous, creative and innovative.

This may mean in concrete terms that we should do a lot of reading and studying, observing and experimenting. We have to have a sportive attitude so that we can manage to move on even if we encounter many setbacks along the way.

We can precisely use the new technologies to expand and deepen our knowledge of things. There are now many journals and other sources where we can get a good understanding of how these new things are working and achieving.

It’s good that we organize our day very well so that we can optimize the use of our time and other resources that are always limited in the face of seemingly limitless possibilities.

We need to motivate ourselves constantly, putting ourselves always in good condition to face the growing challenges and opportunities. We need to flow with the times and help others to do the same. Our attitude should be that no one should be left behind.

But all this should be rooted on the firm foundation of our vital union with God. We have to pray and pray hard. We have to plumb deep into the word of God which as the Letter to the Hebrews would put it is “alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to the dividing souls and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (4,12)

We have to do everything to be always with God whatever we are doing, whatever our situation is. That is why we need to have some working plan made up of some traditional and innovative acts of piety that would put us in touch with God always.

With him we can judge things properly and know how to make a road map toward our eternal destination without getting lost along the way. This can give us a sense that there is some continuity and direction in our present age of discontinuity!


E-mail: roycimagala@gmail.com


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