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GRATEFUL FOR UNITY: CAWSA convenor, lawyer Proculo T. Sarmen, thanks COWD employees for a peaceful prayer rally held late last week amid recent changes by LWUA. (Screengrabbed photo from video via GMA Regional TV One Mindanao)

IN an open letter, lawyer Proculo  Sarmen, convenor of the Cagayan de Oro Water Service Advocates (CAWSA), expressed his gratitude to the employees of the Cagayan de Oro Water District (COWD) for organizing a peaceful prayer rally. 

This event was held in response to the recent installation of an Interim Board of Directors (IBD) and Interim General Manager (IGM) by the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA).

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Sarmen commended the employees for their commitment and passion in addressing the ongoing water crisis and the issue of Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in Cagayan de Oro City. 

He emphasized that their peaceful demonstration through prayer and solidarity showcased their deep care and responsibility towards the community and the essential services they provide.

In his letter, Sarmen expressed optimism that through open communication, mutual respect, and collaboration, effective solutions could be found to benefit everyone involved. 

He highlighted the importance of the employees’ voices in this process and expressed confidence that the concerns raised would be taken seriously by the IBD and IGM.

Acknowledging the challenging situation, lawyer Sarmen called for unity in their shared mission to provide reliable and sustainable water services to the community. 

He encouraged the employees to continue their efforts, believing that together, they could overcome the obstacles and emerge stronger.

The prayer rally, described as a peaceful expression of concerns, has brought to light the dedication of COWD employees towards solving the water crisis, according to Sarmen. 

“Their actions have not only garnered appreciation but also highlighted the need for a collaborative approach to address the pressing issues faced by the water district,” said Sarmen.

Meanwhile, responding to the open letter, COWD Interim General Manager Fermin Jarales issued a statement affirming his commitment to the water district’s mission. 

Jarales emphasized that his appointment by LWUA and the President of the country is a mandate to work for the betterment of the entire COWD.

Jarales assured the employees that both he and the Interim Board of Directors are dedicated to transparency in addressing the water issues, particularly the challenge of NRW. 

He acknowledged the employees’ concerns and reiterated that their voices are crucial in the ongoing efforts to improve the water services in Cagayan de Oro City. 

“We are here to serve the community and ensure that every drop of water is accounted for and delivered efficiently,” Jarales stated, adding, “Our aim is to find effective and sustainable solutions, and we will keep the lines of communication open with all stakeholders to achieve this goal.”

In addition to tackling the NRW problem, Jarales also addressed the ongoing contractual dispute between COWD and Cagayan de Oro Bulk Water Inc. (COBI). 

He assured that the interim management is committed to resolving this issue in a manner that benefits all parties involved, particularly the residents of Cagayan de Oro City. 

“We understand the importance of maintaining strong partnerships and will work diligently to find a fair resolution to the contractual dispute with COBI,” Jarales stressed.

The efforts of both CAWSA and the interim COWD management aim to foster a unified approach to overcoming the current challenges. 

Their mutual commitment to transparency and open communication is a positive step towards ensuring reliable and sustainable water services for the community.

In addition to this, Sarmen thanked the employees for their dedication and for standing up for what they believe in. 

He reiterated that their efforts are truly appreciated and essential in the ongoing efforts to improve water services in Cagayan de Oro City.

As the community looks forward to positive changes, like Sarmen, Jarales said the open letter serves as a reminder of the power of unity and the importance of addressing critical issues through peaceful and constructive means.


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Ben Balce is this newspaper's Associate Editor. Before joining the Gold Star Daily, Ben worked as the regional correspondent for northern Mindanao of Malaya, (now Business Insight) and Abante, both Manila-based national newspapers. Ben joined Gold star daily in 1997 as a city reporter. After 3-months, he was appointed by Gold Star Daily's publisher Ernesto G. Chu, to be the paper’s editorial cartoonist. Ben was a newspaperman and an editorial cartoonist of Gold Star Daily for more than ten years. He was also commissioned as the Executive Editor of the Quarterly Newsletter of the Police Regional Office 10 (PRO-10) from 2002 to 2007. Ben was a regular member of local and international news organizations, which includes among others Cagayan de Oro Press Club (COPC), National Union of Journalist in the Philippines (NUJP), Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ), and Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (Pecojon).